I got lots of good stuff at the Alameda Flea Market this month. Including this tiny red chair that fits nicely in Moses’ little space. When I get around to it I’ll sand, prime, and paint it. But until then I like that it is rough around the edges.

I got lots of good stuff at the Alameda Flea Market this month. Including this tiny red chair that fits nicely in Moses’ little space. When I get around to it I’ll sand, prime, and paint it. But until then I like that it is rough around the edges.
October 8, 2008
Super cute stuff but be sure to run to Home Depot and get lead kit for the truck as we were given a friends childhood truck and it was full of lead (the red paint often is)
October 8, 2008
darling. also, i wanted to say that i love how when i click on links from your page they dont open up a new window. =)
October 8, 2008
i love it just how it is. unless of course the paint is chipping off. then, i suppose a fresh coat is needed. love it.
October 8, 2008
just curious, but, do you notice that you find more neat things the earlier you go to the Alameda flea? {my husband and i were thinking about going, but weren’t sure if we should go at 6am, 7:30am, or 9am.}
cindy : quaint
October 8, 2008
it is so nice the way it is, but safety first.
horsley home
October 8, 2008
It’s so charming the way it is- don’t change it.
Jane Flanagan
October 8, 2008
Gorgeous. I love the patina just the way it is!
October 8, 2008
Oh, I love it! I passed up a child’s rocking chair at the DI a couple of weeks ago and am kind of crying about it.
October 8, 2008
LOVE the red chair!!
October 8, 2008
Love…it’s perfect 🙂
Joanna Goddard
October 8, 2008
so darling, i love it!
Joanna Goddard
October 8, 2008
so darling, i love it!
October 8, 2008
Just wondering if you could please let me know where the super cute rug came from. The space is adorable. Thanks so much!
October 8, 2008
I love it just the way it is. Of course though, safety first. 🙂
October 8, 2008
Absolutely love it as-is!
Billy Wilson
October 8, 2008
full of character! love it!
October 8, 2008
I’ve been dying to go to the Alameda Flea Market for ages! I’d love a cute vintage chair like that. No fair.
October 8, 2008
I’ve been dying to go to the Alameda Flea Market for ages! I’d love a cute vintage chair like that. No fair.
October 8, 2008
The rug is from Posh Tots–a weird little web site. But we’ve been happy with the rug.
October 9, 2008
We had a little chair in my daughter’s room. I was worried about the lead thing so I hung it on a couple of hooks on the wall and put a few vintage books on it.
Excellent find. I have literally 8 tiny chairs in my house. It’s an illness, especially now that I have a 7 and 9 year olds.
Smiling Mama
October 9, 2008
So adorable! I think it is so important for kids to have a chair their size!
October 9, 2008
I love it the way it looks now!
When I was about 2 or 3, I had a little white chair, this brought back some memories of my childhood
October 9, 2008
I was also going to comment on the lead paint issue. You can buy little testers at hardware stores, about 8 bucks that you rub on the questionable surface and it will turn pink if lead is detected. My daughter had lead poisioning last year, so please be careful. 🙂
Petit Elefant
October 9, 2008
oh it’s so darling! be sure to update how it looks when it’s done.
Stone Family
October 9, 2008
I wish you could leave this darling chair just as it is! I guess lead is a concern, but a fresh paint of coat would take away all that well-earned character! Good find!
April ~ Living the Sweet Life
October 10, 2008
Love the red chair. I have been looking for one just like it for my photography.
October 12, 2008
It looks great as it is!
October 18, 2008
I think the chair is perfect just as it is!