I’m so excited!! It is a renter’s dream come true. Sherwin Williams carries a wallpaper called Easy Change that is a temporary wallpaper. I’ve been looking for something like this for a long time. You apply the prepasted paper to your wall and when you want to take it down you simply grab the corners at the top of the strip and pull it down. The wall does not need to be repainted or anything! To see the Easychange patterns go to Sherwin Williams then click on Wallpapers and Borders then click on the “New Easychange Wallpaper” logo. You have to search through a lot of crap to find good patterns but they are in there. It isn’t a cheap project but if you are planning on staying put for a while it might be worth it. I priced a small room and it was $300. They also have wallpaper with different textures that is designed to be painted on. That way you can paint any color you want and when you move you just take down the wallpaper.

July 7, 2008
These are gorgeous Jordan! Thanks for sharing – I own my own place but change my mind so often this would be great for something different for a while!
July 7, 2008
vana chupp
July 7, 2008
thanks for the link Jordan! They look awesome. I need to check it out!
July 7, 2008
Brilliant….finally someone did what the rest of the world has been thinking.
P.S. I’ve been an avid reader for awhile…felt I should finally comment.
:: e.k.o
July 7, 2008
this is … ALMOST … too good to be true
July 8, 2008
I love the wallpaper trend. However, I change my mind frequently so I figured paint was a better bet for me. This is the perfect solution!
July 9, 2008
what a fabulous idea! I am not a renter, but still don’t know it I could commit to wallpaper – this is such a great solution. And, I love the prints you posted.
July 10, 2008
what a neat find! i really love the pattern you featured too!
{ Lindsey }
March 17, 2010
Has anyone tried these yet? I want to be sure they will come off cleanly before I use them in my rental!
Also, I notice that they have both 'prepasted' and 'unpasted' versions of the easychange. Do both of them peel off, or only the 'prepasted' version?
May 21, 2010
Best invention ever for renters. Apartments can be so ugly. I did my tiny kitchen on the walls between the cabinets….makes all the difference. 🙂 thank you thank you