From the website: “This is an object for the wall, to hang things on – hats, bags, keys, coats.” Heath Nash is an artist from South Africa and he makes a lot of his stuff from “other’s people rubbish.” I fell in love with this set of hooks at Anthropologie so I finally bought it yesterday. It was expensive but I had a ton of store credit so it felt like it was free. 🙂 Mine is more rainbow-y and will live in Moses’ closet/room. We will hang his bags of toys from it.

Joanna Goddard
July 22, 2008
July 22, 2008
Lovely piece. My husband and I actually know Heath. He’s a very talented guy.
quaint handmade
July 22, 2008
i love it!
July 22, 2008
Have you ever posted a photo of the closet/room? I would love to see what you’ve done with it!!
pixie sticks
July 22, 2008
that’s beautiful and very, very sweet.
Our Green Nest
July 23, 2008
I can’t find it…none of the links are working…You got it at Antrho?
July 25, 2008
I just bought this and have been searching for information on it (these kinds of pieces always have a story!). So thank you for sharing the info that you found!
August 3, 2008
I bought this piece about two months ago and hung it by our front door. What better sentiment to come home to every day? I loved it so much I named my new blog after it. Enjoy reading yours…