If you are going to be in the Salt Lake Area this weekend don’t miss the Thanksgiving Point Plein Air Art Festival. Paul will be there painting and will have a whole booth of paintings he is bringing out from San Francisco. Stop by and say hello. Here are the details from their website:
June 20-21
Festival Friday & Saturday, 10 am – 8 pm
Silent Auction: Saturday, 6:30 – 8 pm
Thanksgiving Point Gardens
Adults (ages 13+): $10
Seniors (ages 65+): $9
Children (ages 3-12): $6
Summary –
“En plein air” (plein is pronounced plain) is a French expression for painting in the open air. Thanksgiving Point Gardens Plein Air Art Festival hosts Utah painters and sculptors working “en plein air.” Pieces completed will be for sale during the Silent Auction Saturday, June 21, and all Plein Air Art Festival patrons’ tickets include re-admission for this event.
June 18, 2008
How fun!
June 18, 2008
wish I could make it – I love seeing his work at the Sonoma Plein Art festival!
June 18, 2008
I wish I could go! I went last year with a friend and had an amazing time!
June 19, 2008
We’ll be at the event next year since we will be in the neighborhood… come stay with us!
Tony & Anne
June 19, 2008
Awesome. My brother-in-law, Joe Alleman, will be at the Plein Air Festival, too. Sadly I live in the middle of Missouri and will not be there…
Tony & Anne
June 19, 2008
Awesome. My brother-in-law, Joe Alleman, will be at the Plein Air Festival, too. Sadly I live in the middle of Missouri and will not be there…
Cheaping Girls
June 19, 2008
Fun. I’ve been wanting to view his work in person. I’ll be there.
June 22, 2008
Dang, I wish I would have looked at your blog a few days ago, because I would have loved to have gone. My husbad is the GM at Thanksgving Point Hampton, so we attend a lot of events there. I always tell hime to let me know what is going on out ther and he forgets of course. What a cool event!