Well, that’s a little more reasonable! My birthday is coming up. I might have to make a special request!
Joanna Goddard
June 9, 2008
wow, that doesnt’ seem that expensive. they look great.
June 10, 2008
I bought mine the day it came out. I love it and would have paid more for it! 🙂 I am not in love with the new one yet, but I’m sure it’s going to be awesome.
Grosgrain Kathleen
June 9, 2008
Well, that’s a little more reasonable! My birthday is coming up. I might have to make a special request!
Joanna Goddard
June 9, 2008
wow, that doesnt’ seem that expensive. they look great.
June 10, 2008
I bought mine the day it came out. I love it and would have paid more for it! 🙂 I am not in love with the new one yet, but I’m sure it’s going to be awesome.