I made Parisian Macaroons this weekend. Everyone stop what you are doing right now and go to the store and buy all the ingredients you need and then come home and make these cookies. They are so good. I sort of thought it would be a difficult recipe but it was pretty simple. It is the kind of recipe that once you get the hang of it, they come out perfect. I’m making round two this week. This time I will: bake them 12 minutes instead of 20, make sure the almonds are ground finer, err on the side of small when I am piping the batter, and I’m going to experiment with flavors and colors. {A tip: These don’t keep more than a few days, wrap them airtight and store them in the fridge. Serve at room temperature.}

June 9, 2008
Whoa! Cute! Macarons seem to be a hot trend these days. It’s good to know they’re not too hard to make. Though I think I’ll splurge (be lazy) and head down to the Farmer’s Market to purchase some from this local Richmonder. Keep posting more pics as you experiment with flavors and colors!
quaint handmade
June 9, 2008
oh parisian macaroons are so expensive to buy, it would be great to make them. thanks for sharing the recipe.
June 9, 2008
Great recipe! I am always up for a new cookie challenge! I will give it a try this weekend and post the results!
Paul Pincus
June 9, 2008
gosh…what a gorgeous image!
Joanna Goddard
June 9, 2008
yum, what a pretty picture!
June 9, 2008
They are the cutest!
June 9, 2008
these are the best cookies! i’ll get right on it. thanks for the recipie..!how do i make the chocolate ones..
June 9, 2008
Too cute! 🙂
It’s always nice when baking expeditions work out!
June 9, 2008
these look fabulous!
Whitney Elizabeth
June 9, 2008
ACK! Last time I was in paris I had the greatest macaroon on the planet and have been craving them ever since. Thanks for the tips!
June 9, 2008
I’ve been wanting to make these for a while, I’m still a little intimidated though.
June 10, 2008
so darn cute! I bet they were delicious!
La Vie Échangée
June 10, 2008
Some of my favorite flavors are lemon, rose and “caramel buerre sale” however you make that!
June 11, 2008
i agree with La Vie, rose and caramel are the best flavors!!
June 11, 2008
When you’re making the macaroons, try piping out the exact shape you want, since you cannot modify them when piped, also, be extra careful with folding. Set them out for 30 minutes to create a nice skin on them before baking, this will mellow them out and make them shiny 🙂 Good luck!
June 16, 2008
ok i made these on friday night and they came out fabulous! thank you thank you thank you for turning me on to this recipe! you are wonderful!!!
June 25, 2008
I’m gonna be trying this recipe tonight, with coacoa powder instead. Hopefully it turns out well!
June 27, 2008
I love these little cookies. They are my fav! I fell in love after visiting Miette. I have made them numerous times…each time they come out different. I am still working on perfection! They are always tasty though! Love your blog! I just found it!