It is such a good feeling when you are watching the third or fourth episode on dvd of a newly discovered TV show and you realize you still have the entire season left and the best part is you can watch them nonstop! What TV shows did your man or dad miss the first time around? Lost, 24, Battleship Gallactica, 30 Rock, The Office {also, the British version}, Arrested Development? Buy them TV on DVD.

June 11, 2008
*puts on super nerd cap* ahrm, I believe you mean BattleSTAR Gallactica.
June 11, 2008
haha jmjuett that’s exactly what I was going to say!
June 11, 2008
Jordan.. great minds– I actually bought BattleStar G for my dad yesterday– I’ll keep mining your post for his bday and christmas too.
June 11, 2008
We are hooked to battlestar Gal. It is a love hate relationship
June 11, 2008
“House” + “Dexter” + “Mary Tyler Moore” (since I saw the cast on an Oprah show recently – makes me want to watch it)
ooh..that feeling..when you discover the new show and know you have at least one or two seasons ahead of you – with NO commercials! bliss.
June 11, 2008
We just got 30 Rock from a friend. . .can’t WAIT to watch it!
June 11, 2008
Jordan, I discoverd your blog from the Dixie/Snow Canyon 10 year. I went to elementary/middle/high school not that you would remember me, but I remember you. I love your blog…
June 12, 2008
I specifically don’t watch series on TV, I’d so much rather watch severla at a time on DVD, it’s the best.
rebekah @ elizabeth anne designs
June 13, 2008
The Office. I completely resisted and now it is our favorite. I also missed the third season of Lost and was able to watch them all at once. 🙂 No more live TV. Ever!