I’m on the hunt for some spring dresses so I’m hitting the thrift stores this week. I’m so inspired by all the amazing vintage dresses over at Fashion is Spinach. It has got me excited about clothes again.

I’m on the hunt for some spring dresses so I’m hitting the thrift stores this week. I’m so inspired by all the amazing vintage dresses over at Fashion is Spinach. It has got me excited about clothes again.
April 23, 2008
Love this, so chic!
April 23, 2008
me too.
ms. spinach
April 23, 2008
why, thank you!
{sigh. today i counted up my vintage dresses, and i’ve got more than 60! and that’s not counting my newer dresses! i may have a problem… but a good problem.}
April 27, 2010
I am absolutely in love with vintage dresses! I found a few nice ones last weekend at an antique market. I will definitely be going back!