We are in Carmel today! We ran away for a quick weekend getaway. {Sorry to the people who were waiting on the posts I promised. They’ll be up first thing next week.} Have a good weekend!

We are in Carmel today! We ran away for a quick weekend getaway. {Sorry to the people who were waiting on the posts I promised. They’ll be up first thing next week.} Have a good weekend!
April 4, 2008
Oh, I love Carmel. My gr. grandmother had a place in Pacific Grove right on the ocean by Dana Point. One of my favorite places on earth. Enjoy!
April 4, 2008
carmel is heaven. enjoy! i love your blog!
April 4, 2008
Carmel is my happy place. I’m visiting my parents for a week in May and can hardly wait to get to the aquarium…the beach…any favorite haunts of yours I should know about?
April 4, 2008
What a great idea. 🙂
Ben & Liz
April 4, 2008
This is one of my favorite places in the world. I’m glad you were able to get away to such a lovely place. Happy weekend to you.
Ben & Liz
April 4, 2008
This is one of my favorite places in the world. I’m glad you were able to get away to such a lovely place. Happy weekend to you.
April 4, 2008
ooooh. Thor (and I) were lucky enough to “have” to attend a conference held at the Highlands Inn. Sweet Mother of Pearl! Then we were lucky to “have” to do that again, two more times. Yeah, it was a sacrifice.
I adore it there. I didn’t care if it was the “off” season, if it rained or even the one year when power was out for two days because of terrific storms. It was lovely, romantic, misty, heavenly, ahhh I could go on and on. LOVE it!
If you get a chance, hike all over the point. Fabulous..even in the rain!
April 5, 2008
While you are there you need to look up the French Poodle restaurant and buy a bottle of their house dressing. You will not be disappointed! We are so addicted that we have it shipped across the country!
My favorite combo is baby spinach and romaine, pine nuts, julienned carrots and this dressing. It is pure heaven.
April 5, 2008
Hey, I’m throwing a church party this week… any chance you could post how to make those darling party hats? And the oversized hanging flowers! SO CUTE!!
April 5, 2008
BTW your blog is so adorable!
April 7, 2008
I grew up in Oregon, about an hour from the “coast” as we call it there. This picture totally reminds me how much I love and miss Oregon and being so close to the ocean. AAAhhhh. I can smell the salt now…
April 7, 2008
I love Carmel By The Sea! I miss the raging Pacific so much! Thank you for the beautiful photo.
April 7, 2008
Oh fun, do tell all about it!