My Jcrew catalog came over the weekend. Their styling is fun, as always. I loved all the different colored ladders. Someone should do this for their wedding photos. It is a creative way to take those boring {but necessary} family wedding photos.

My Jcrew catalog came over the weekend. Their styling is fun, as always. I loved all the different colored ladders. Someone should do this for their wedding photos. It is a creative way to take those boring {but necessary} family wedding photos.
March 31, 2008
FUN!! You know what else I like? The musicians off to the sides. Kind of cool touch for the wedding pic too.
Yeah, I agree. Those family shots are pretty dreadful and yet, completely necessary. GREAT idea! Thanks for getting my creative juices flowing early on a Monday morn! 🙂
March 31, 2008
the stylist and set designer for their catalogues amaze me with their clean cut choices and color contrasts. They try to incorporate nature in some way and have their models look as natural as possible as well. While I love getting my catalogue, it’s kind of sad because I can’t afford all the things I want.
March 31, 2008
What a great idea!
March 31, 2008
I would love it, I can just see the reactions when I say, Ok, up the tree, yup, up you go!
March 31, 2008
Love this for a family wedding shot, great idea!
April 1, 2008
I love those ladders.. my brothers would go a little nuts on them I think.
April 4, 2008
Jcrew is right up there for me with Kate Spade. Merchandising genius.
November 7, 2008
Does anybody know where the latest JCrew catalog was photographed? Beautiful mountain views!!!
Looks like might be Switzerland…But I want to know for sure.