These Candela lights are breathtaking. They are LED powered and rechargeable. I’m putting these near the top of my “Things I really want bad” list. They come in sets of 4 or 8.

These Candela lights are breathtaking. They are LED powered and rechargeable. I’m putting these near the top of my “Things I really want bad” list. They come in sets of 4 or 8.
February 25, 2008
What a great idea.
February 25, 2008
Aren’t these the neatest when you have little ones? Or even if not- they look super posh.
The side-banner thingy for your husband’s studio is lovely.
Old Glutton
February 25, 2008
I have the 4 set of these and I highly recommend them. Our small poorly ventilated bathroom had candle soot on the walls from wax candles. We switched to these and I love them so much more. No more dripping or deformed candles. I will probably get 8 more when we move to a bigger house.
February 25, 2008
i loved my candelas while they lasted… which unforch wasn’t more than a couple of months. maybe the rechageable batteries are better in the newer ones?
February 26, 2008
wow i love the holder for the set of 8 candles, they look really beautiful
February 26, 2008
These might be really cool for our roofdeck (regular candles always blow out with the wind). We could also line the stairs going up for more light. Thanks for the idea…
February 26, 2008
These are mind-blowing. I want them so badly!
March 3, 2008
yeah, they’re beautiful. I’ve got them! BUt they also keep on breaking, flickering and turning off. I’ve had them replaced twice now and it still happens. Waste of $$