Remember those Cranes Paul made? We turned them into a mobile. It is made out of wire hangers and string. I’m going to hang it over the changing table. I’m working on some projects today, I’ll be back tomorrow.

Remember those Cranes Paul made? We turned them into a mobile. It is made out of wire hangers and string. I’m going to hang it over the changing table. I’m working on some projects today, I’ll be back tomorrow.
January 21, 2008
lovely! can’t wait to see more!
January 21, 2008
So cute! I’ve been looking around for a good mobile (I’m due in March!) but everything I’ve found is either super expensive or, honestly, plain ugly. My husband knows how to fold origami cranes…I may have to steal your idea! 🙂 Keep up the great work. I love your blog!
January 21, 2008
how lovely, yet simple! i went to the old link about the cranes and then clicked on the link on how to make them and it didn’t work. wonder if you could post that link again….thanks!
January 21, 2008
you can buy some really cool crane mobiles here:
i bought 2 as christmas gifts… and kept them! she is a local artist here in vermont and will ship anywhere.
Far From Perfect
January 21, 2008
on days that I’m on the edge, close to a melt down. I usually do some paper folding to calm me down, As weird as that sounds,it works. With beautiful results.
January 21, 2008
This is so clever, simple, and beautiful! Strong work. 🙂
January 21, 2008
Cute. I made a similar version with butterflies. Anavey loved it.
January 21, 2008
Love it!
January 21, 2008
very cute – i may have to get out my origami book & try a few for our baby.
robin k
January 21, 2008
Very darling, Jordan.
January 21, 2008
What a great idea! So beautiful.
January 21, 2008
how beautiful! I love it!
My name is Natalie.
January 22, 2008
That is blissful. I love it!