I printed up a batch of thank you notes this weekend. I figured I’d be needing some since people tend to do really nice things for you when you have a baby.

I printed up a batch of thank you notes this weekend. I figured I’d be needing some since people tend to do really nice things for you when you have a baby.
November 19, 2007
I love the envelope!
November 19, 2007
very very pretty – did you letterpress these?
November 19, 2007
oh boy. thank you notes. i just had a lesson on gratitude last sunday and I was feeling all guilty for not sending out thank you notes for the bazillion things people have done for me. does a verbal thank you count these days?
Katie Speed
November 19, 2007
you make it sound so simple. I suggest a tutorial on how you did these, please?
November 19, 2007
i’m SURE you thought of this, but in case you didn’t… your address is showing…
November 19, 2007
Just part of my address.. and truth be told I don’t care. 🙂
November 19, 2007
Where do you buy your paper/envelopes? I just bought a gocco and I’m making invitations, menus, and place cards for a bridal shower but unsure of where to get fabulous paper. I know nothing about paper. Any suggestions?
November 19, 2007
Is that shade of green your favorite? It’s pretty. You seem to use it a lot (thank you notes, your blog background, your skirt, etc).
liz s
November 19, 2007
November 19, 2007
I love the Paper Source for great envelopes.
November 19, 2007
these are the kind of notes that inspire you give a present just so you can get one in return.
November 19, 2007
Love these!
November 19, 2007
November 19, 2007
these are gorgeous (and the stamps are my current usps fav)
November 19, 2007
The envelopes are wonderful! so fun!
November 19, 2007
These are lovely! What do you use to print them?
Creole Wisdom
November 19, 2007
You do such great work! I love the circle on the front of the envelope for putting the person’s name.
I am a huge fan of personalized stationary, and love the stuff I ordered from Lauren Gossling Designs (www.laurengdesigns.com)
: )
November 19, 2007
These look great, so prepared of you… What kind of printer do you use? I just bought a canon pixmapro 9000 and I’m not so sure I want to keep it….
November 20, 2007
Those are so pretty!
Sarah S
November 20, 2007
November 20, 2007
pretty stamps too.
November 20, 2007
those are so beautiful! put those in your store!
November 20, 2007
These are beautiful!!! In my favorite color!
November 20, 2007
I am in love, these are gorgeous! Could I put in a request for a How To Get Started with Letterpress post? I’ve recently fallen in love with it, and I have no idea how or where to begin.
Taryn & Brendon
November 21, 2007
what a riot…i hadn’t checked your blog in a while so i decided to venture over and check out what’s new. lo and behold my best friend brooke berger’s name is on the envelope. ha ha.
those look amazing! i love the green.
Taryn & Brendon
November 21, 2007
what a riot…i hadn’t checked your blog in a while so i decided to venture over and check out what’s new. lo and behold my best friend brooke berger’s name is on the envelope. ha ha.
those look amazing! i love the green.
November 23, 2007
hey bring on the stalkers!! good thing we’re moving.