Williams Sonoma sold me my first can of Bar Keepers Friend a few years ago when I got my All Clad pans. This isn’t a new product but I’m always amazed what it can do. Besides polishing up beautifully anything stainless steel, it also has saved some of my favorite things. When Paul accidentally left one of the good chef’s knives in the sink overnight and a little rust spot formed, Bar Keepers Friend took it right off. When I left the Kitchen Aid paddle with cookie dough on it and it pitted, Bar Keeper’s friend cleaned it up. It is known for not being abrasive on surfaces that can scratch but still taking off grime and rust. This week it miraculously took a bunch of rust off my letterpress. {Normally I use kerosene but the fumes aren’t so great when you are pregnant.} The best part? You can get it at Safeway for two or three dollars.

September 6, 2007
I know. I LOVE that stuff. Cleans marks out of my white sink like magic.
September 6, 2007
Thanks for the tip. I’m getting some!
September 6, 2007
It really is one of those wonder products. I’ve cleaned so many things that I thought were beyond hope. And it’s cheap!!! 🙂
By the way, I love your site.
September 6, 2007
I’m also a fan, thanks to my mom. It always gets the scratches off of the white kitchen sink. I’m no Bar Keeper, but it’s my friend too. 🙂
September 6, 2007
Had to de-lurk to say that I am also a HUGE fan of the Barkeeper’s Friend.
It works great on tile! Think you can’t get that soapscum off? Think again — Barkeeper’s Friend to the rescue! It’s a miracle worker!
Thanks for writing such a great blog — keep up the good work!
Faye & Greer
September 6, 2007
I just moved out of an apartment and was told that they were super picky about the ovens upon final inspection. The self-cleaning function on the oven did nothing, but I had Bar Keepers Friend for my pots and I thought I would try it. Seriously amazing- and I got our deposit back in full. I love the stuff, but it is rough on the cuticles!
Faye & Greer
September 6, 2007
I just moved out of an apartment and was told that they were super picky about the ovens upon final inspection. The self-cleaning function on the oven did nothing, but I had Bar Keepers Friend for my pots and I thought I would try it. Seriously amazing- and I got our deposit back in full. I love the stuff, but it is rough on the cuticles!
Faye & Greer
September 6, 2007
I just moved out of an apartment and was told that they were super picky about the ovens upon final inspection. The self-cleaning function on the oven did nothing, but I had Bar Keepers Friend for my pots and I thought I would try it. Seriously amazing- and I got our deposit back in full. I love the stuff, but it is rough on the cuticles!
nicole hill
September 6, 2007
my favorite
Jamie Meares
September 6, 2007
oh me too. we have a white porcelin sink, and anything that touches it, scratches it. so i use bar keepers friend! but our harris teeter doesn’t have it anymore, so i’m going to try williamssonoma!
September 7, 2007
only stuff I’ll use for my ridiculously expensive all-clad roasting pan.
thanks, everyone else, for the tips!!!
September 11, 2007
you can get it at walmart for 1.29…love it too
September 18, 2007
They make a liquid version too, it rocks!
October 18, 2009
I ordered a case of the liquid Bar Keepers Friend from their website and it was cheaper than the stores. It works miracles on my All-Clad cookware, silverware, and soap-scum on glass!