Chelsea over at frolic! posted this page from the new Martha Stewart Weddings. I loved it so much I finally went over and bought my own copy. {Now I just need to remember to renew my subscription.} I love these colorful Mexican flags. They are so cheap and brighten up any room instantly. I love they way they’ve been incorporated into the invitations here. SO darling. I’m really really inspired by this. {click on picture to enlarge}

July 10, 2007
i have a how-to for making your own mexican paper flags. i’ll post it soon on
i mean, it comes from family fun magazine, so they’re not the most sophisticated flags, but they would give you the general look you were going for. 🙂
July 10, 2007
I just picked up that issue. Loving all the ideas and am pretty sure I’ll “borrow” some for enrichment.
July 11, 2007
I always love your ideas!
July 13, 2007
we’re having a Mexican fiesta theme for our wedding/reception and would love to create this idea for our invitations.
Suggestions how to do so are welcomed………
February 1, 2008
Hi! I love the flag invitations! I’ve actually been trying to find out where to buy them. I’m trying to plan a mexican fiesta birthday party. Do you have your old issue, so that you could tell me who made them? I remember them being sold by somebody, but I can’t find my old issue. Thanks!
September 29, 2009
try this place!
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March 2, 2010
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