I had heard that Michael’s {the ol’ craft store} and Martha Stewart were collaborating for a line of craft and party supplies. Boy was I pleased when I saw Marta blogged that it is all online now! There is seriously so much awesome stuff. I’m going to have to make the 45 minute trek to South Bay.

May 1, 2007
Pretty cool, but looks a bit on the expensive side. I only paid about $25 for a ream of tissue paper and made about 60 some pompoms myself! 🙂
I like the paperbag puppets though. cute!
May 1, 2007
Great post. I really like the tag-maker for $10.
Jennifer Leal
May 1, 2007
I also made the poms poms myself for my daughter’s party this weekend but probably would have splurged on Martha’s if they were brighter colors. However, I did spend $5 on the toothpick flags for the food. Gorgeous stuff!
Mrs. Dub
May 1, 2007
every now and then i like to step out of the closet long enough to admit my stalker-ness to people on my blogroll. hi, jordan! you’re on my blogroll!
and while i adore most links and art you feature on your bounteously beautiful blog, this one made me happiest. because there is a michael’s in my town. and because martha is an old friend. and because parties are better than diamonds.
take care!
May 1, 2007
“parties are better than diamonds”
that might have to go up on my quote board.
May 1, 2007
You have flat out… made my day! HOooooooray!!!!!!!!
May 2, 2007
so i hightailed it over to michael’s after school. it’s pretty amazing stuff.
i heart martha. criminal or no.
May 4, 2007
The “Martha” items at Michael’s are gorgeous–high quality and worth it. Even better…use one of the 40% off coupons they always have in the paper!