Growing up my parents had a gigantic National Geographic map on the wall of our family room. I found the exact map online for only $100. I love it…it reminds me of my childhood. If we ever have a playroom the first thing I would do is plaster this on the wall.

May 16, 2007
Great post! Come to my place this weekend to see our new map in our hallway.
May 16, 2007
That is such a fabulous thing. My husband’s parents had the same kind of map and it is such a great reminder that there is this whole big world out there to explore and I have to say.. he’s quite a bit more knowlegable about geography than I.
May 16, 2007
Jordan, I was talking to Jared the other day when he was here about your neighborhood growing up and I was thinking about Stanley house and that map was so awesome.
As you may or may not know I make maps now and got my degree in Geography and I loved staring at that map in your basement for hours and hours back in the 80’s, it was so great.
I am getting that map from that link for myself for Christmas and putting it in the bonus room upstairs. Thanks for the idea.
May 16, 2007
PS Since I got my degree in Geography, if you ever need to know the capital of any state just ask me and I will let you know what it is.
May 16, 2007
that too is my dream. i love maps. the look, the feel, the dreams they inspire. I can’t wait to have a room big enough to have such a huge map. i get excited just thinking about it.
May 16, 2007
I just found it for $89. Google the name of the map and do 30 seconds worth of digging. Nice post Jordan.
Kalallit Nunnat
May 16, 2007
My family had the same map in the playroom growing up. We loved to play “guess which country I’m thinking of”.
My parents also had a periodic table and promised to pay $100 to whoever memorized it. None of us did, but it makes a good story!
May 16, 2007
I love, love, love the map! I have never seen one that big. Thanks for that map.
May 16, 2007
I always think of the Stanley’s when I see this ~ I love it
mark Elliot
May 17, 2007
Maps like that remind me of the MTC.
Eight fingers crammed together pointing to the same city.