This house isn’t very affordable but I really really want it. It is a three bedroom flat in Hayes Valley here in San Francisco. Everything I could want except no parking…but that is something I could live with. Does anyone have $659k I can borrow?

This house isn’t very affordable but I really really want it. It is a three bedroom flat in Hayes Valley here in San Francisco. Everything I could want except no parking…but that is something I could live with. Does anyone have $659k I can borrow?
Jamie Meares
May 15, 2007
oh, its so gorgeous. did you guys decide to find another apt?
Melissa Jade
May 15, 2007
My god- i hate to say it but in NYC you get 1/2 that space for that price. So personally i’m considering moving to San Fran! I wanted a ranch in my neighborhood and it was minimum 700k$.
San fran is lookin pretty good to me…
May 15, 2007
ah, to be able to afford a house in SF. that’ll be the day.
but that house is indeed beautiful. and for its location, the price is actually not too bad.
May 16, 2007
Very pretty house!
(Except I think it may be across the street from a project – which may or may not be an issue for you.)
But Yay! for a fellow SF home shopper. How can it be SOOOO expensive to live here? Ugh.
May 22, 2007
It’s very pretty. But the house isn’t for sale. Just part of it.