A striped hammock and umbrella! If I had a backyard I would totally buy these. And doesn’t everything look more festive with Chinese lanterns?

A striped hammock and umbrella! If I had a backyard I would totally buy these. And doesn’t everything look more festive with Chinese lanterns?
April 24, 2007
I like the croquet balls scattered about on the ground. Not enough people play croquet anymore. I think we should bring it back.
April 24, 2007
Love those hammocks, so cute! And, everything IS cuter with Chinese Lanterns! Love it!
liz s
April 24, 2007
awwww i would love to be swinging on that hammock right now.
erin- my family plays croquet, i’m sure betsy would love it if you came over to play!
April 24, 2007
Liz – excellent! Let me just round up some argyle and a clean pair of keds and I’ll be right over. 🙂
April 24, 2007
Notice the Izze’s in the picture. (My favorite beverage as well.)