My brother Josh sent me the link to this awesome site by Miranda July. {I wish that was my name.} Just click on the arrow in the right hand corner. You can pre-order her book here.

My brother Josh sent me the link to this awesome site by Miranda July. {I wish that was my name.} Just click on the arrow in the right hand corner. You can pre-order her book here.
April 6, 2007
That is a great website
studio wellspring
April 6, 2007
wonderful site ~ and i love that name too. i always thought i’d use july as my sir-name if i ever had an alias. (i was born in july so naturally it’s my fave month)
April 6, 2007
That is such an awesome website. Man…some people are so creative.
April 6, 2007
Jordan, we should get a group of girls to hit up her book signing in SF on May 16 at Modern Times.
April 9, 2007
ooooo…I’m so in love with Miranda July…I nearly cried last time I heard she was in town and I missed it. I am going to cry this time (I’ll be in Salt Lake)