I loved this linen room in Martha Stewart’s home in Maine. The room came like that…with all those shelves and drawers just waiting to be filled with stacks of clean towels and sheets and table cloths. One of the cool things about living in an old home is they have all sorts of nooks and built in spaces. I could die in this room.
{photo from Martha Stewart Living April 2007}
Creole Wisdom
April 13, 2007
those used to be really popular.
my freshman year I went to Sarah Lawrence and most of the campus are older homes that have been donated to the school. The music building, Marshall Field, which is really an old mansion had a room like this. It was amazing. Of course, no linens inside though.
April 16, 2007
I loved that room, too! Did you read how the previous owners left tons of old linens in the closets? I was like, why couldn’t they do that in MY home? Martha doesn’t need them.
April 16, 2007
I know! I was thinking the same thing, like Martha Stewart needs MORE antique linens.