I’ve blogged about Jo Gartin before here and here. But I was browsing her website and thought this was a pretty dinner. It would be a pain to set up but you would just need a billion Christmas lights and a ton of white candles. A smaller version of this would also be cool for some sort of simple backyard party.

April 27, 2007
I love this! It is so important to have it dark enough at a wedding reception.
Queen Scarlett
April 27, 2007
When we had our reception my ward put up the white lights like this with white butcher paper… over the strung wires in the cultural center… it was amazing. Changes the entire room…
April 28, 2007
Those Christmas lights are actually not that hard to do. She has just purchased what I call the fish-net variety that people use to throw over their bushes. They go up really quickly and easily. Wrapping them up and storing them would be another thing. My niece used this idea at her wedding where they put the fish-net lights in the backgroud and a gauzy white fabric in the foreground and switched off the lights.. instant fairy land. 🙂 Amazing picture.
April 28, 2007
I’ve seen the “fish net” mini-lights as a false ceiling, without any fabric, and it was surprisingly sophisticated.