I printed these invitations over the weekend for that party I’m planning at church. I thought they turned out super cute. {But really, how can you go wrong with scallops?}

I printed these invitations over the weekend for that party I’m planning at church. I thought they turned out super cute. {But really, how can you go wrong with scallops?}
liz s
March 5, 2007
those are beautiful. gocco or letterpress?
March 5, 2007
They are gorgeous! Thank goodness no one else in my RS reads your blog, or I’d be embarassed by the invitations I passed out yesterday. 🙂
March 5, 2007
longtime lurker, first-time commenter. these are just gorgeous! i’m also envious that you live so close to bell’occhio …
March 5, 2007
You cannot go wrong with scallops and I adore the font you use. Beautiful.
deidra zoe
March 5, 2007
I was embarrassed for the one I got yesterday in RS, before I even saw yours. You definitely put all white paper, tacky clip-art, quarter page hand-outs to shame!
March 5, 2007
Gorgeous, Jordan!
March 5, 2007
You are the coolest. When will your site be up for us to buy??
March 5, 2007
those look good jordan
Jane Maynard
March 5, 2007
now THAT is magnifying your calling… they are BEAUTIFUL.
March 5, 2007
Liz: these are Gocco.
I’m glad you guys like them.
Lazy Daisy
March 5, 2007
Love them! I wish I was in your ward!
Uptown Girl
March 6, 2007
I have a feeling you have a significant turnout for enrichment with invite like that. I’d be too enchanted not to go.
March 6, 2007
those are fabulous, i love the scallops and color
Kristi Brooke
March 7, 2007
i too love the scallop
March 7, 2007
I’m looking for someone to design business/calling cards for me, and I love your taste…. is this something you would consider doing? Or could you recommend a designer?
Rebekkah Linton Gillett
rebekkah linton gilllett
March 7, 2007
oops–please email me at rebekkah(at)earthlink.net
March 7, 2007
Your paper products are great, they are so beautiful.
kimberly | L A M A R T I N E floral design
April 2, 2007
hey, do you have a website for your print? i own a floral studio in sactown and looking for print shops to send my brides to. -thanks kimberly La Mar-damiani | http://www.lamartinefloral.com |
kimberly | L A M A R T I N E floral design
April 2, 2007
hey, do you have a website for your print? i own a floral studio in sactown and looking for print shops to send my brides to. -thanks kimberly La Mar-damiani | http://www.lamartinefloral.com |
kimberly | L A M A R T I N E floral design
April 2, 2007
hey, do you have a website for your print? i own a floral studio in sactown and looking for print shops to send my brides to. -thanks kimberly La Mar-damiani | http://www.lamartinefloral.com |
kimberly | L A M A R T I N E floral design
April 2, 2007
hey, do you have a website for your print? i own a floral studio in sactown and looking for print shops to send my brides to. -thanks kimberly La Mar-damiani | http://www.lamartinefloral.com |