Paul’s wardrobe is in a desperate need of a tune up. Today I am going to buy a bunch of stuff for Paul and then tonight we will have a fit session and I’ll return anything that doesn’t work the next day. We have a process for buying clothes for Paul. It is described here is an old post “how to dress a man.” As I’m looking through all these guys clothes online I got to say, I’m glad I’m a girl. Boy clothing seems so boring. There is only so much you can do with jeans, khakis, a few jackets, t shirts, and sweaters.

March 22, 2007
I agree.. I work a little with men’s clothing for work and I find it fairly boring. Though I do like Boden’s selection of Menswear.
March 22, 2007
My husband hates to shop, so this is how we get his wardrobe, too. Thank goodness for returns!
Amen to the boring part… this is the only kind of shopping that I have a hard time getting excited about.