I love this little travel clutch. As of late I’ve been spending more to buy really nice handbags. The problem is I buy really basic stuff because I don’t want to spend a lot on a super-trendy piece that I won’t be stoked about in a few months. Little cheap trendy wallets have been my solution. I pull something like this from my bag and BAM! it has instant personality.
Design Mom
January 30, 2007
Cute clutch, Emeril.
ma vie en rose
January 30, 2007
Oh how adorable! You definitely can’t beat the price. It looks rather Orla Kiely-esque.
Mia at Fred Flare
January 31, 2007
Hi there! This is mia from Fred Flare. Thank you so very much for posting this! Just came across your blog and love it already! Keep up the amazing work!