Ceci New York is by far my favorite wedding invitation designer. I’ve blogged about them a few times before but they have a bunch of new designs up. Really stunning. You can waste a lot of time browsing their site.

Ceci New York is by far my favorite wedding invitation designer. I’ve blogged about them a few times before but they have a bunch of new designs up. Really stunning. You can waste a lot of time browsing their site.
January 5, 2007
Gorgeous letterpress stuff.
January 5, 2007
Oh jeez, that third one just took my breath away!
January 5, 2007
These are realy lovely, and I am a complete paper and invitation snob.
January 6, 2007
I was just telling a friend who was complaining about her black and white kitchen that a little apple green would look great. I love that invitation. Really pretty.