So the Church Christmas Party is two weeks away. All the food details etc. are in order. But I need to make decoration decisions today.
The plan is to have 100 red chinese lanterns (with lights) hanging overhead and long rows of 15-18 banquet tables covered in red tablecloths. (Whenever you don’t have a big budget you can create a more dramatic effect if you stick to one color.) There will also be one giant Christmas tree lit in white lights right in the middle.
The biggest problem is the tablecloths because if we are going to buy them online we have to buy them today. We need 15 table covers 90″ x 156″ with rounded corners. This will cover a banquet table and hit the floor. The problem is I can’t find anything cheaper than $30 and I was hoping for more like $20 each.
Does anyone know of an awesome tablecloth source? Since they will be used on an industrial level I’m thinking we’ll just go with polyester.
{photo from}
November 17, 2006
What kind of budget do you have girl?! You can really buy 15 table cloths at $20-30 each? I’m thinking our ward party is not going to look so good! I’ll have to come over to yours. What’s your entertainment? My dh (hahaha) is in charge of the entertainment!!!
November 17, 2006
i’m assuming that you want to buy, but if you want to rent you can get them for 18.50 from a company in south san francisco. Here’s the link:
November 17, 2006
but i don’t know if they have them in red. oops.
November 17, 2006
here’s a link an link to rent in color:
November 17, 2006
I found a good place! Thanks everyone.
November 17, 2006
Jordan you need to post your party from last year. Your ward party makes all ward parties look like they were thrown together last minute with 20 bucks.
Western Rebel
November 17, 2006
sweet! where did you get all the lanterns?
and aren’t most ward parties literally thrown together at the last minute with 20 bucks?
November 17, 2006
Anonymous- I am really careful with my budget and try to be creative so the church can make wise investments, like table cloths that they can use to enhance parties and events for years to come.
Sharon-I looked into renting but the ones I found were $16… I figure if you are spending that much on renting you might as well buy.
Western Rebel- I bought the lanterns from They were the cheapest for the size I wanted.
November 17, 2006
oh you wouldn’t believe how cheap it is to RENT linens! I would go that route, can’t help your with a source, though. I did it for a stake activity in NY and it was so classy looking. Worth the effort. They might even deliver them.
Design Mom
November 17, 2006
We’re renting a 70″ round table for Thanksgiving to seat 12. The only tablecloth I can find (again renting) hangs about halfway to the floor.
Do they make floor-length tablecloths for 70″ round tables?
November 17, 2006
Jordan, it’s going to be beautiful, post a pic after the party. I love the lantern idea! 🙂
November 17, 2006
I wish you were planning our ward party, Jordan.
November 18, 2006
The church Christmas party is going to be awesome, the red lantern and theme sounds gorgeous. Good luck on the search for tablecloths.