Emily Cox is going to be the guest blogger Tuesday and Thursday of this week. Emily has her ear to the ground on whats hip so when she talks I always listen, she is a smart cookie, we should all pay attention. I asked her to write a little bio/introduction. Here it is:
“All about me (well, all that you need to know before reading my posts). I was so super flattered when Jordan asked me to guest blog. I’ve been a fan of hers ever since we met when she was sleeping on my couch after helping her then boyfriend Paul, move out to the Bay Area. Now she rocks this town harder and more than me, but luckily she’s gracious enough to share the secrets. Overall the secret to my success would be my friends, they’re rad, and you’ll be hearing lots about them in the coming days. I went back to grad school a few years ago (and there I remain). To compensate for my poor writing skillz, and to fund my concert going habit, I doing interviews for SFist. So, if you’ve got anyone interesting for me to interview, let me know. I’m ALWAYS on the prowl for interviews, vintage purses (I’m kinda particular) and religious themed needle work that people have thrown away. Oh, and no, I’m not an ACTUAL den mother.. just played one for Halloween and liked this picture.”
{P.S.: Remember to vote tomorrow!!! And if you live in Utah Vote Urquhart! -from Jordan}
November 7, 2006
i love this girl, emily. she is smart and stylish and i am sure everything she posts about will be worth stealing to make your own
November 7, 2006
Ahh bex.. thanks!
Oh. and i study STRATEGY.. you know, stuff like how to win at Risk, world domination, how to win friends and influence people 😉
Design Mom
November 7, 2006
Hey Emily, I’m married to Ben Blair. That’s right. Ben Blair, President of the Bean Society. And I’m Jordan’s sister. Have we already made this connection and I’ve forgotton?