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  1. Design Mom

    March 28, 2007

    I want one.

  2. daisy

    March 28, 2007

    Me too.

  3. Jayleigh

    March 28, 2007

    I have this, only in green and white. I love it, and the seat is mercifully wide enough even for my bottom.

  4. love.boxes

    March 28, 2007

    .. and the perfect shape for an awsome bike basket. I would love to ride one of these around (it must be red) with a beautiful basket on the front. Inside the basket will be fresh fruit, flowes and bagette. I will be wearing a whold Audrey Hepburn outfit with cute round-toes flats and peddle pushers. … sounds like heaven.

  5. ashlynn

    March 28, 2007

    ooh baby – we have been looking for one of these for me. I need this for my straight back! THANKS

  6. Chelsea

    March 28, 2007

    I found a lot of nice cruisers on craigslist between $35-$75.

  7. MissScientistSF

    March 28, 2007

    I picked up an old vintage cruiser on Craigslist for $20. Just needed a little TLC and I am cruising around like mad now. With an awesome bike basket. But unfortunately, not usually filled with bagettes and fresh flowers..

    I will definitely keep this guy in mind if my bike decides to stop working someday, I love the design.

  8. lsaspacey

    March 28, 2007

    I really need to STOP looking at your blog! I’m going to get in real trouble with my bank.

    I used to have a blue one in college with a saddlebag-like basket in the back. I could haul anything in there, my laundry, groceries, as long as it was balanced…ughh…I want one too!


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