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Restoration Hardware Gift Store

I’m just giddy about Restoration Hardware’s gift store. It’s like I’ve hit the Christmas present jackpot. I discovered it a few days ago and it is everything I could do to not post about it before Halloween. Their inventory consists of the most interesting, beautiful, useful, and classic presents ever. Everyone needs to go to the site right now and spend a good 20 minutes looking at all the cool stuff they have. If I had children I would buy all of their presents from RH. I’m curious if I’m the only person this stoked. If you go check it out I’d love to hear your reaction. Here are a few of my favorites:

1955 Pocket Handwarmers, Classic Mountainboy Sled, Fisherman’s Tape Measure {so good looking}, Golf Ball Personalizer, Circus Tent, and Pogo Stick.

  1. love.boxes

    November 2, 2006

    Jordan you were right! There are several things for my list. I loved these so much: The Paint by Numbers Kit, Pocket Paint Set, Circus Finger Puppets, Snowman Kit and the Kaleidoscope. Oh and the Charades Game. Also, a really fun card game that is good for the brain and can be played by everyone is called Set and it is available through Toys R US.

  2. michelle

    November 2, 2006

    W O W

  3. Anonymous

    November 2, 2006

    That’s awesome. I always hit RH when I start my Christmas shopping, but the gift site rocks!

  4. love.boxes

    November 2, 2006

    I gave some incorrect info above. Toys R Us had the game when I was there the other day, but I couln’t find it online. See Target’s website instead.

  5. liz s

    November 2, 2006

    adorable stuff. i’ll have to bookmark this page for december 24th when i do my christmas shopping

  6. katie

    November 2, 2006

    i’m getting my husband the snowboard cards since he dreams of being pro anything but software developer.

  7. Heather

    November 3, 2006

    We made a special trip up to Restoration Hardware last weekend just because I was so excited about their gifts! All we ended up getting was a metal kazoo for my mom, but it was worth the trip.

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