Pecha Kucha is blowing up everywhere and I couldn’t be happier. Started by a couple of architects in Tokyo, it’s a night where designers showcase their work or an idea to other people – but they have only 20 images and 20 seconds, giving them 6 minutes and 40 seconds to show everyone why they’re brilliant. And people show everything – it’s rarely about architecture.
It’s grown from Tokyo to all over the world. Pecha-Kucha San Francisco is alive and healthy. I highly recommend attending one in your neighborhood – you mingle with great people, get inspired and best of all, it’s free.
For my fellow San Franciscans, the next meeting is Wednesday, September 27th at 330 Ritch at 7pm.
September 28, 2006
Paul, I dare you to do this.
September 28, 2006
I LOVE this idea!
September 28, 2006
Oops – Jordan, I just realized we posted this a little late. The next meeting will now be in October instead of yesterday…
liz s
September 28, 2006
awesome idea. too bad the one in nyc isn’t until january. i’ll probably forget!