I love me a good crafting session, but sometimes a project can quickly turn into a highly repetitive and boring endeavor, especially whilst preparing for a party or a wedding with a ton of guests!! It’s usually at this time I like to rely on some tunes to help get me through it. Luckily, Oh Happy Day has put together a little “Craft Day” Playlist so you can bop around and play sing-along during your next heavy-duty crafting venture!

Meg Kissack
August 4, 2015
Great playlist – thanks for sharing! Putting earphones in, listening to good music and crafting is my idea of a perfect afternoon!
August 4, 2015
This is an awesome playlist!
Lauren @ Grace, Faith, & Glitter
August 4, 2015
Oh my goodness this is perfect! What a great idea. Of course we need a good craft day playlist! I love it. Do you have this playlist on Spotify?
August 4, 2015
This playlist is true perfection! Ironically I’d been crafting up some DIYS today and kinda got sick of my playlist called “chill jams.” So glad that I stumbled upon this playlist and was VERY happy to see “Weekend” by Priory. (Can you share a few more playlists?!)
August 4, 2015
love this – hope it’ll be a regular feature. cheers for putting it together!
August 8, 2015
Thanks for sharing this! I love your playlists!! I love discovering new songs/groups and downloading some of these for running…always searching for great new tunes that will keep me running faster and longer.