Halloween is right around the corner and it is the perfect holiday to give some sweet treats to friends. The Happy Halloween Candy Box Band DIY is simple to make and only requires a few supplies. You can add candy, trinkets, or a small gift inside the box.
Materials: Happy Halloween Candy Box Band printable, 8.5” x 11” Piece of White Paper, Printer, X-acto knife
, Ruler
, Cutting Mat
, 2.25”x3” Box, Candy, Tape
Step 1: Download the Happy Halloween Candy Box Band printable. Print the Happy Halloween Candy Box Band printable on an 8.5 x 11 piece of white paper. Use X-acto knife, ruler, and cutting mat to cut out the bands.
Step 2: Place candy inside the box.
Step 3: Center the band on the box and seal with a piece of tape on the bottom of the box.
October 21, 2014
Super cute! This are much more visually appealing than most Halloween candy!