1. Giochi di Carta shared this stunning cake topper.
2. Such a great, easy centerpiece idea on Local Milk.
3. This fox cake by Handmade Charlotte is awesome.
4. I love this fun Valentine idea on Julep!
5. My family and friends threw me an awesome, carnival-themed birthday party on Wednesday night! It was so much fun!!

Chloe @Ergo-Blog
January 17, 2014
I just love the heart disco ball!! That looks so much fun! =)
January 17, 2014
the furry fox cake is so cute!!!
January 17, 2014
The furry fox cake is so cute 🙂
January 17, 2014
That fox cake is adorable!
January 17, 2014
Fox cake was a guest post by Coco Cake Land, she’s a cake genius! http://cococakecupcakes.blogspot.ca/
January 17, 2014
that fox cake is so so cute!
Amicia Rai
January 17, 2014
Love everything, especially the Furry Fox Cake! 😀
lyndsay // coco cake land
January 17, 2014
wheeeee jordan how excited was I when i came to oh happy day for my usual visit… and saw my FOX CAKE in your friday favorite party ideas! hooray! thanks so much for sharing it, and what great company!! xoxo
Nique Etienne
January 18, 2014
Happy belated birthday.
I love ur site. It’s really been just what I need to make my parties more festive and beautiful.
January 18, 2014
You looked amazing! Happy belated birthday. ♡
Momista Beginnings
January 19, 2014
GOODNESS….love that cake topper AND fox cake. thanks for sharing! -Misty
January 19, 2014
the cactus centerpiece looks lovely. i thought of using some of my little herb pots and acorns for a more rustic image for my nect dinner party, but this is something i would love to try too.
Love the idea of using herbs!
January 19, 2014
That cake topper is too cute!
January 20, 2014
Ha! The furry fox cake!
What will be the next big thing! 😉
Lexi @ Glitter, Inc.
January 21, 2014
Love love love that heart disco ball valentine! Too cute!
xx Lexi, Glitter, Inc.
Paulette Leto
January 22, 2014
I’m really tired of that “What Does the Fox Say” song. I was over that by the third time I heard it.
The new question is, “what does the fox taste like?” Because that cake looks SO cool!