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Custom Holiday Gifts

I was excited to work with Zazzle because besides their holiday card selection they have a really cool selection of customizable gifts that are really affordable. I decided to get a head start on my holiday shopping and test out a few custom gift ideas I’ve had in mind. First, I designed a cute tote for my friend that’s perfect for trips to the farmer’s market. Then, I used a few of our favorite photos from our recent trip to Australia to create unique iPhone cases, luggage tags, and mugs for Paul. Designing my own gifts was addicting – it was fun seeing my ideas come to life! I like that I can put anything I want on the items, it would be a great gift for grandparents or kids. Last night I started a Pinterest board to help me keep track of great gift ideas.  What’s your favorite thing to give during the holiday season?

Holiday Gifts | Oh Happy Day!

A. Grocery Tote | B. Barely There iPhone 5 Case | C. Luggage Tag | D. Classic Mug

This post is sponsored by Zazzle. Holidays are made for you at Zazzle. Find gifts they’ll love at Zazzle.

  1. maggie

    November 12, 2013

    Love the mug idea!


    November 12, 2013

    beautiful idea!!! I like the bag!!!

  3. Karin

    November 12, 2013

    I love these!

  4. Kaisa

    November 13, 2013

    Awesome ideas and looking good! xx

  5. meg

    November 13, 2013

    I am a huge fan of custom gifts. These are all so cute!

  6. Olivia Mak

    November 13, 2013

    That iPhone case looks awesome! I can’t wait to order one for my mom and dad of their grandchildren. I also recently custom ordered their wedding photo onto a metallic print as an anniversary present. Personalized gifts are the best.

  7. Linda

    November 13, 2013

    I was excited to check out Zazzle and looked at all their products. Have you seen their bumper stickers? I would never support this company which obviously strongly supports a extremely biased ideology with which I do not agree.

  8. Lindsay

    November 13, 2013

    i love zazzle! It’s so fun to give personal gifts. The tote is adorable!

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