I know no one wants to think about Christmas yet but December 1st is almost a week away. With advent calendars you have to plan ahead a bit. I really love advent calendars (see: here). When we first got married we made it a tradition to do some sort of little ritual or token everyday that would get us in the mood for Christmas. They can be little things like drink spiced cider or big things like go see the Nutcracker. This is the first year Moses really understands what’s happening so I’m excited to continue our tradition with kids. I’m so happy to team up with Amanda Jane Jones who designed this beautiful printable. These little sacks are so easy to make. All you need is Iron-On transfer paper and 24 little sacks
. Once they are filled with activities and little toys and treats I’m going to hang them on the wall with a little washi tape.
Materials Needed:
Iron-On transfer paper, 6″x4″ Cotton Muslin Bags
, iron, printer.
Step 1: Download the free printable by clicking here (the images will be reversed so that once they are ironed on they will be correct.) Then print them on iron on transfer paper (you can purchase this at an office supply store) and cut out rectangles.
Step 2: Place each rectangle with the image side touching the muslin bag.
Step 3. With a very hot iron (no moisture) press down on each bag for 1-2 minutes.
Step 4. Once it is cool peel up the corner and pull the paper off. Easy-peasy.
A big thank you to T-Mobile. America’s Largest 4G Network — Now faster than ever. Click here for more details.
Molly @thewaffler
November 21, 2011
This project is so cheery! I haven’t used washi tape yet, but this seems like a good project for it.
kristin a.
November 21, 2011
I’ve always wanted to make an advent calendar, but it’s seemed too overwhelming. This one I could handle! Thanks Amanda & Jordan!
November 21, 2011
What a great tutorial! Definitely going to be using this in the future. Thanks!
Amanda | Rufflewood
November 21, 2011
Oh what fun! Thanks for the how-to and the download…love it!
November 21, 2011
Thanks for this! I really want to start this tradition with my family.
Andrea @ Strawberry-Chic
November 21, 2011
What a fun advent project! This would be a perfect addition to my Christmas decor this year!
Heidi blogging at Stationery Scoop
November 21, 2011
Love this! A great twist on the traditional Advent calendar. ~Heidi
November 21, 2011
I love this project. Advent calendars are my weakness!
Hannah @ Sparrow + Spark!
November 21, 2011
Oh I love this! So fun and pretty.
November 21, 2011
Thank you! Just in time!
November 21, 2011
O. man. this makes me want to start an “advent calendar” tradition. So cute.
November 21, 2011
I absolutely! want to think about Christmas today. Thank you for this awesome printable. Super Happy Holidays!
Klara Gaglia
November 21, 2011
Love it <3 You've got me inspired!
November 21, 2011
I really want to do an advent calendar this year but I’ve had trouble finding just the right one that’s in my budget and takes up an amount of space I can live with. I think you’ve done it! We’ll see what the husband thinks. Thanks so much!
November 21, 2011
This is so great! So much better than cheesy ones that you can get from Wal-Mart.
November 21, 2011
Talk about serendipitous timing!
I have these very same pouches wadded up in a drawer with big plans to embroider them for Advent. But I haven’t even bought the embroidery silk yet!
This iron-on version seems much more feasible to execute.
Thank you for sharing this!!
Mrs. W
November 21, 2011
So fun. I can’t wait to make an Advent calendar for my future kiddos!
November 21, 2011
this is beyond adorable! i am in full swing christmas mode! 🙂
November 21, 2011
I just love this. I have one for Halloween (just a countdown calendar, 31 pockets). Would love to make and Advent calendar this year.
And no…you’re not the only one thinking about Christmas already and realizing it’s right around the corner…yikes! Time to get crack-a-lackin’.
Angel Y.
November 21, 2011
I love this! I want to do my first Advent calendar and this definitely saves me time. 😉 The iron-on paper seems like such a great idea.
November 21, 2011
This is the best idea ever!!!
Last year was my first xmas away from my family, and this year is the boyfriends frist year away (he decided to stay with me! Finally we’re a family) and one of the things his mom did was every morning put a treat in his stocking. I’m totally going to do this instead and start a new tradition. Thanks!!
November 21, 2011
this idea is so cute, an adorable modern take… i love!
November 21, 2011
LOVE! These are so sweet and a little rustic. I love this idea. They would also make sweet little present bags for people either turning the age or the date on the bags! Love it.
November 21, 2011
Love this…it came out so beautifully and I like the simple look of it! As always…I remain impressed. 🙂
Jess (Where My Heart Is)
November 21, 2011
I adore advent calendars. Now that my daughters are aged 17 and 19, it’s getting harder to think of what to fill the little sacks with. I think the girls would want car keys and the likes 🙂
November 21, 2011
perfect. just ordered the bags!
Andrea Ferretti
November 21, 2011
I absolutely love this idea! And it seems really doable, too! I just used the iron on transfer paper for baby shower onesies and it worked great. Thanks for the wonderful idea!
November 21, 2011
I was completely unaware that advent calendars were more than just cheap things you bought at the grocery store with little chocolates inside for each day until I recently read through your blog. My mind is blown at the awesomeness, and I hope to do this some year!
This girl loves to talk
November 21, 2011
i love advents too! I just blogged about the TWO advent calendars we are having this year!.
we have an advent tradition where we make a new one every year.. and I also have sewn/handmade ones by me, that I’ve kept. We love making something new and quirky and can throw it away in the end. Love your take on it! I hate those store bought yucky chocolate ones where the choc is got those white spots on it( cause its probably 6 months old) and I dont like the cartoons/disney characters on them. Making your own is the best!
November 22, 2011
First time reader — this is awesome! Very impressed. Definitely placing this on my to-do list. I’m constantly being reminded that December is just around the corner!
amy walters, aDESIGNdock
November 22, 2011
I just popped on over from Aubrey and Lindsay’s Little House Blog! And boy am I sure glad I did. This is beautiful. Love it!!!
November 22, 2011
I love it! This one and the other one.
I’m a fan of your blog, I’m from Barcelona and I’m very impressed with your work.
November 22, 2011
oh. my goodness. this HAS to be a new tradition at home. it HAS to.
November 28, 2011
so creative! love it!!! thank you!!!
November 29, 2011
Hi, I have a question about the font names on the printables. What’s the reason they are there?
November 29, 2011
Hi! Hey thanks for the cute printables. Just a heads up–so I bought some of the iron on transfer paper, and the kind I got doesn’t require the decals to be printed on in reverse. I’m not sure if that’s different for the kind that you used, but all of the brands at my local craft store were the same. The iron on paper can be a little pricy, so I thought you might want to let your readers know. Thanks again for the cute idea!