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Giant Confetti Bags DIY

This DIY project contains two things I am obsessed with. 1. Giant Confetti. They sell it at all the party supply stores here in France and I have to admit I have stocked up on way more than I could ever justify owning. And 2. Printing on paper bags with a home printer. It is still one of my favorite tricks ever for fancy looking favor bags. Go here for more pictures and my tips on how to do this at home.

Photos by Oh Happy Day

  1. Eliza

    October 10, 2011

    These look awesome, I’m so very jealous of your creative skills!

    These would be lovely for a party 🙂

  2. ginny branch stelling

    October 10, 2011

    i tried doing this with tissue paper a heart puncher, and the paper wouldn’t punch clean. it was all gnarled and chewed looking on the edges. any troubleshooting tips?

  3. GawgusThings

    October 10, 2011

    This is great! I can’t say I’ve ever seen it over here though – what shop do you get it in? Thanks!

  4. Ooooh how fun! These would be great favors to hand out for New Years Even that everyone can throw at a party! I love this. Thanks so much for sharing.

    – Sarah

  5. Sarah

    October 10, 2011

    @ Ginny – I’m not sure what Jordan’s trick is, but in my case, I found in the past that you must punch many layers of tissue paper together. I hope that helps you!

  6. Sami

    October 10, 2011

    This made me smile today 🙂 very bright, colorful, round and happy. Kind of kate-spade-esque. Can’t wait to make some!

  7. the delicate place

    October 10, 2011

    this is gorgeous! i love the idea of giant confetti. all the fun and far less clean up! perfection!

  8. Lauren at TwIn Style

    October 10, 2011

    I have never seen giant confetti before, but it looks so awesome! Wish I knew about this when I got married.

  9. nik

    October 10, 2011

    Helo! I love your style! You have very beautiful pics! I will follow you:)
    Big hug & kiss:)

  10. Sara Walk

    October 10, 2011

    what a fun idea….I am for sure making these!

  11. Joanna

    October 10, 2011

    Adorable! Love the tissue paper idea… I just did this for my wedding with a heavy stock paper, and my wrist and hand muscles were super-sore from all the punching… wish I’d seen this sooner!

  12. Serena

    October 10, 2011

    Makes me want to throw a party!

  13. Melinda Joy

    October 10, 2011

    I recently found your blog and fell in love. Thank you for doing what you do so beautifully.

  14. Alisha

    October 10, 2011

    Oh my, I love this ……. And what a great excuse to have a confetti themed party.

  15. Hannah @ Sparrow + Spark!

    October 10, 2011

    This is awesome! I recently found a postcard that had giant confetti or shapes inside, it was really cool.

  16. Alison - The Petit Cadeau Blog

    October 11, 2011

    Hi Jordan,
    Just curious about where you buy the bags?! Thank you!

  17. Jessica [Shimmer+Silk]

    October 11, 2011

    Wow, giant confetti, I’ve never seen anything like it! So much fun and I ADORE the colors! I’d love to try this for New Year’s Eve 🙂

  18. kat jackson

    October 11, 2011

    these are genius! i picked up some glassine bags today for an engagement party i am hosting this weekend- can’t wait to try it!

  19. tote bags

    October 11, 2011

    Thank you for your information,it is really meant to me.

  20. April Bladh

    October 12, 2011

    I make my own confetti all the time and use it for photo shoots. Ill send you a picture some time. I LOVE CONFETTI!!!!

  21. Kirstin

    October 15, 2011

    What are your favorite party supply stores in Paris? Would love to visit one!

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  3. DIY: Small Paper Touches « Our Sweet Love

    […] came across these gorgeous bags of giant confetti on Oh Happy Day. They are almost too easy to make and pack a large punch. Head over there to check out how […]

  4. posession. | musings. and ramblings.

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