These Rifle Paper birthday cards are so special. I wish someone would send one to me on my birthday. (And include $5 in it for old times sake.)

These Rifle Paper birthday cards are so special. I wish someone would send one to me on my birthday. (And include $5 in it for old times sake.)
August 10, 2011
I just gave the top two to a friend and my sister-in-law. I love her work!
August 10, 2011
These are beyond adorable, nothing beats a sweet card 🙂 xo
Shay Quigley
August 10, 2011
I love love love the mermaid! I don’t need a party, don’t need no cake–just a mermaid holding a sign for my special day.
August 10, 2011
Wow. I can’t even decide which one is my favorite. I love all of her work : ) I ordered a set of her valentine cards earlier this year, and I kept one of each for myself just to look at every once in a while.
August 10, 2011
Super cute and great colors!
August 10, 2011
I’m smitten. Thanks for sharing this great site!
August 10, 2011
Awwww I miss birthday cards with money in it! 🙂 I love her work…been trying to find a excuse to get the personalized cards hehe. These are cards that I would have to buy 2 sets of; one to give away and one for me to keep and be inspired 🙂
August 10, 2011
They’re bitchin’!
Lili @ Relatable Style
August 10, 2011
LOL! Upon reading the post title, I wondered who wants birthday cards with rifles on them! 😀 English is not my native language, I should add 😉 I’m glad they turned out to be very pretty and weapon-free cards, though 😀
August 10, 2011
just received the candle and mermaid cards on my doorstep…ordered them last week. a favorite store here in fort worth, tx used to carry rifle paper, but i was the only one buying their cards…which is CRAZY!
August 10, 2011
I emailed the mermaid card to my fiance a few months ago, hinting that he should get it for me for my bday! xoxo
August 10, 2011
LOVE the mermaid!
August 10, 2011
These cards are lovely, aren’t they? I’ve been handpainting my own, then photocopying and using them for various occasions.
Congratulations on becoming a Real Simple contributor, that magazine is fantastic too. I really love your blog; I think I found it initially through your Paris categories. I’m studying in France at the end of the month through December, with a week in Paris as well! I hope I can check out some of the things that you did.
jaclyn @ thelateafternoon
August 11, 2011
these birthday cards are so pretty! rifle always has some of my favorite cards – i have a collection of rifle “thank you” cards that i are used only for the most special occasions!
August 11, 2011
I love these cards, too. I bought one for a friend in Liberty just last week…the one with the two balloons overlapping. Part of me didn’t want to send it because it was so lovely!
August 11, 2011
What a great find!!
August 11, 2011
Great cards. I love greeting cards- I have about 50 in a box for any opportunity, and always adding to it!
August 11, 2011
lovely idea. i adore original and unusual greeting cards, they add a super touch to a gift!
kendal croix
August 11, 2011
Ohh those cards are just perfect.
August 11, 2011
Anna Bond is my hero.
Promotional merchandise
August 12, 2011
I love love love the mermaid! We do not need a party, do not need any cake, just a siren with a poster for my special day.
August 12, 2011
i love the candles card!