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Removable Wallpaper: The Final Report

A few years ago I put up “removable wallpaper” in my entry way and hallway. It’s also known as “renter’s wallpaper” or “temporary wallpaper.” When I was researching it I was promised it would come right off and you just had to wipe the wall with a damp cloth and you wouldn’t even have to repaint it. A lot of people were interested in this so I thought I would do a follow up post since we removed it before we moved. If you are looking for information about where to get removable wallpaper and where we got ours please refer to this post.

Taking it down was sad just because it was the end of an era. (Plus remembering all that work it was to put it up!) The wallpaper came right off. I pulled it all down in less than ten minutes (a friend called dibs on the used stuff) There were light marks left on the walls from the glue (you can see them in the fourth picture.) so I took a damp sponge to the wall. It did make a slight difference but there were still very clear glue marks left. And the walls definitely needed a new coat of paint to get it back to normal. (Though not as much coverage as if you were covering up a solid color.)

After you’ve read this post, if you still have questions please put them in the comment section below and I’ll try to answer them.

  1. AzΓΊcar

    February 21, 2011

    Thanks for taking us full circle! Such a great option, even if we aren't renting. Taking it down is my husband's fear, so to see wallpaper so easily removed? Sold.

  2. Rachel F.

    February 21, 2011

    I second that comment, why don't they make all wallpaper easily removable nowadays?? The world would be a better place.

  3. ashlynn

    February 21, 2011

    Rachels comment makes sense – is there a big difference between this paper & more permanent ones?

    Also was it worth it – would you do it again?

  4. jordan

    February 21, 2011

    Yeah, from what I've heard even "regular" wallpaper comes off pretty easy these days. That said I think this kind is more temporary. Occasionally a strip would peel if it was in an area that could touched a lot and I would have to stick it back up.

    Someone will have to be the guinea pig for the regular wallpaper.

  5. The Virginia Library Project

    February 21, 2011

    Just what I've been looking for!

  6. InCircle Interiors

    February 21, 2011

    I was just wondering how the take-down went for you. How does your friend plan to stick up the used sheets now?

  7. Jina

    February 21, 2011

    I'm bummed because that print is no longer available… at least that I could find… and I love it! Oh well… looking a a couple of others.

  8. Rachie @ A Chi Chi Affair

    February 21, 2011

    OOh shame you are moving and you cant take it with you. Its great! x

  9. kell-bell

    February 21, 2011

    I love that last photo, adorable!! Don't worry, i'm sure even better wallpaper is in your not too distant future!

  10. kerri from mygoodness

    February 21, 2011

    just wanted to let you know the last photo put a huge smile on my face, too cute! i'm new to your blog… and i love πŸ˜‰

  11. Happenstance

    February 21, 2011

    You are so good! I bookmarked that post about this wallpaper and always wondered what the final report would be taking it down! You're so on it, I love it:)

  12. Mrsink

    February 21, 2011

    That's gorgeous wallpaper! Thanks for posting! We're moving soon and will be renting so I'm glad to know there's options out there.

    You mentioned that your friend is using it and I was wondering if it can be re-used easily?

  13. Dawn

    February 21, 2011

    Awwwwww….I just love that last photo. So sweet πŸ™‚

  14. Anonymous

    February 21, 2011

    This is a silly question, but I am going to ask. Can you put temporary wallpaper over wallpaper? We have the most awful wallpaper in our rental.

  15. amanda jane

    February 22, 2011

    this is amazing. thanks for the post….and you two look adorable. πŸ™‚

  16. Maddy

    February 22, 2011

    How cool is that?! Never seen this type of wallpaper, but I may have to get some for my little apartment.

  17. caitlin wilson

    February 22, 2011

    so fun/sad to see it come down so easily! i can relate to your feelings and the look in your faces in that cute picture of you two hugging. we had to paint over my chevron wall that i painted when we just left Dubai and it was so sad to see it gone. hope all is well!

  18. Julie-Inspired

    February 22, 2011

    That's amazing…I must be living in the stone age because I've never of this. It really looks so good in your home, really! (Sad that you had to take it down)

  19. kitten roar

    February 22, 2011

    I am interested in trying this for sure. unfortunately i am stuck with the plain beige walls of a rented apartment.

  20. Ashley @ Susie B. Mag

    February 22, 2011

    Oh this is a fabulous idea! Sometimes it's rough living in apartment and finding ways to decorate your home in reversible ways. Now…if there was only a way to temporarily fix my kitchen counters and cabinets…

  21. adorninc

    February 22, 2011

    The wallpaper? Fantastic. Your bangs? Even better!

  22. Ali

    February 22, 2011

    If your dibs-calling friend is willing, I'd love to see pics of how well it goes up a second time.

    Also, you and Paul are so sweet and lovely. You're so lucky to have nabbed a red-headed man!

  23. anotheryarn

    February 22, 2011

    Thank you for going full-circle with this, all too often the touted temporary solutions are only with a promise of easy/damage free removal. I too would love to see how well the paper can be reused (my second qualm about various temporary decorating – one-time use).

  24. Fabulousonabudget

    February 22, 2011

    LOVE LOVE LOVE this!! Thanks for the inspiration! So sad to see it go!

  25. Little Bambino Children's Wear

    February 23, 2011

    Love, love the wallpaper, what a great idea!!!

  26. Kaila

    February 23, 2011

    I just bought this wallpaper for my half bathroom!!! I can't wait to put it up, I've had my eye on it since your first post. Thanks for the update.

  27. Mo Pie, Please

    February 23, 2011

    That is terrific wallpaper! Oh man, I'm so glad to have discovered it! Thanks!

  28. Kayleigh

    February 25, 2011

    Thanks for this post! I definitely want to get some now.

    Yeah, the Sherwin Williams website stinks


  29. Needing Help

    June 11, 2011

    My daughter and her husband are renting a dreadful apartment with dark 1970’s paneling. Will this type of wall paper go on and come off easy on paneling?

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