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Mobiles 101

I knew I wanted to make a mobile from the Cranes Paul made. You could use anything, ornaments, etc. After a little research I decided it would be easiest to either use wire from hangers or a quilting hoop. I bought a wooden quilting hoop for $3 at Joann’s but in the end we decided to go the wire route. {A sidenote: I LOVE the painted wooden floors in this photo.}

{photos via Martha}

I sketched out what I wanted it to look like.

Then Paul cut up two wire hangers like this:

{photo via soozs}

We used four sections of wire two small ones and two large ones. One of the large sections was cut down to 3/4 of the length of the long one. I then attached string to each of the Cranes using a needle. {I would’ve used fishing wire but I didn’t have any in the house.} I tried to use the sketch above as a blueprint.

We hung it temporarily above our bed until I can get the proper hook for above Moses’ changing table. We like it so much I’m tempted to keep it there. Last night as we were falling asleep and staring at the mobile Paul said, “This is better than TV.”

  1. ashlynn

    January 22, 2008

    yeah thanks for the instructions

  2. Lisa Milton

    January 22, 2008

    Your site is SO lovely. I love these.

  3. karla

    January 22, 2008

    Charming! And thanks for the image on how to use a hanger.

  4. annie

    January 22, 2008

    Wow! i just discovered you blog, and i’m so excited! i have been visiting the same ones over and over and they all seem to be in the same circles. . .but its great to see someone i haven’t before. you have fabulous posts! i love the mobiles. i recently started a shop and a blog with a friend of mine, i’d be flattered if you would check it out. . .

  5. love.boxes

    January 22, 2008

    Oh Jordan! It’s just stunning!

  6. Colleen

    January 22, 2008

    That is super cool. I’ve been wanting to make a paper crane mobile forever and just didn’t know how to do it! Thanks for the tutorial!

  7. Liss

    January 23, 2008

    Thank you for the instructions! I love it. You know, maybe Paul should just make another batch of cranes for Moses so you can keep this one! 🙂

  8. Anonymous

    January 23, 2008

    I think that the round mobile would be awesome over a chair in a Childs room with a light that hung down in the middle of it. I love your ideas!!

  9. Carolyn

    January 23, 2008

    So awesome Jordan, thanks for showing us how to do it!

  10. simplesong

    January 23, 2008

    great tutorial. thanks!

  11. Peg

    January 24, 2008

    What a GREAT idea! It looks fabulous!

  12. TaraJane

    January 24, 2008

    I have been itching to make a mobile for my son’s “big boy” room. I am searching for colorful thin sheets of plastic (like polypropylene) any suggestions on where to find other mobile construction materials?

  13. Jessica

    January 24, 2008

    I think these came out quite nice. I have always been a huge mobile fan…Calder is my hero!

  14. Make and Takes

    January 24, 2008

    Love Love Love this. What a great idea and super easy. Thanks.

  15. kates

    January 25, 2008

    Thanks so much for these instructions! I have been dreaming about an origami mobile for months, but had no idea how to execute it. This is simple and beautiful, which of course it would be since your entire site fits that description.

  16. Pomegranate

    January 26, 2008

    I love this! Thanks for the tip! One of my best friends is having a baby shower, and I think this would be a cool present to make/give.

  17. Anonymous

    February 23, 2009

    I found this via ohdeedoh and made one for my son. It took a while but was well worth the effort. Thanks for sharing with all the pictures!

  18. Anonymous

    August 16, 2009


    Its really nice work and informative blog. its lovely….

    Thanks for information sharing.

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