I am only partly done with my our Halloween costumes. Hopefully I finish tonight. It was fun being out in San Francisco Saturday night because everyone had a Halloween party to go to. In a city that likes to get dressed up for no reason we had a fun time guessing if people were in costume or not at the grocery store. {It also made me happy to see Thing 1 and Thing 2 sitting at the bus stop.} I’m sure they thought the same thing about the pregnant lady. I loved Michelle’s French burglar costumes, very clever.

October 29, 2007
They might have been wondering if you were really pregnant. When I moved into my neighborhood, a lady that I knew came to a Halloween party as herself only in maternity clothes and a pillow tummy, but it was a really good one and I just thought she was pregnant until she told me it was just a costume. 🙂 I think it was funny to the people who knew her well.
studio wellspring
October 29, 2007
i love that all three peole in that photo have the same expression on their faces. very cute!
October 29, 2007
that is the best!
Design Mom
October 29, 2007
So great! I’m stealing this if Ben and I ever go to Halloween Costume Party.
October 29, 2007
Those are awesome!!
Creole Wisdom
October 29, 2007
I love the baugette he’s holding. Hilarious!